Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Riley Bloom - book 1: Radiance

Title: Riley Bloom - book 1: Radiance
Author: Alyson Noel
Genre: Children's Literature Publishing
: Suare Fish
Pages: 192
Language: English

French Abstract:
After the accident, Riley did not follow Bloom Ever who regained the world of the living. She crossed the bridge to the afterlife. Nothing seems different "Here." She found her parents and Caramel, as she loved her dog, and often visits his sister. Until she is summoned before the Council which gives him very bad news: life after death is not to have a good time for all eternity! It is assigned a function, that of Catcher in Ames. This is to convince lost souls to pass into the next world. With Bodhi, the curious professor attributed to him, she returned to Earth for its first mission: Radiant boy who haunts a castle English for centuries. Many Catcher Ames tried unsuccessfully to take her across the bridge. But he had never dealt with Riley ...

My opinion: With
" Radiance" I started in my first reading in English:) and I must say I'm pretty happy because I did not really need to immerse myself in a dictionary!
I love the saga " Eternals" by Alyson Noel ( I also chose to continue this saga in English ) is why I chose this reading.

** I really liked the story this book, although some things have crumpled.
chain of events quickly enough as it is a "new" 200 pages ago. So, you end up with scenes that move too fast for my taste. For example, Riley's mission in 5 minutes curly leaves me perplexed.

** It was really pleased to find Riley. His fate is tragic enough, be dead at age 12 is not an easy thing to swallow for her. She still has her little annoying and mocking side I could find in the saga " Eternals. However we must also say that it is a girl of 12 years and that it is in a young adult novel. If Riley was evidence of too much maturity this would not be "credible." In his defense, I must say that it grew throughout this volume and its vision changes.
I do not know what to say about Bodhi . Certainly it is present in the book, but the full potential of this character is not really exploited.

** Regarding writing style, I must confess that the English did not seem that complicated. Without doubt this is because it is a children's book. By cons I found that it lacked dialogues (especially between the two main characters ).

** Finally, I enjoyed reading this. I'm glad to have read in their original, because the French version is very expensive for so few pages! So I would read more, always in English.

My rating: Image hébergée par

Riley Bloom
Book 1: Radiance
Book 2: Shimmer
Book 3: Dreamland (in late 2011 version)


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