Saturday, February 5, 2011

Spectrobes Action Replay Custom Parts

Sarah Dearly - Volume 3: A first step

Title: Sarah Dearly - Volume 3: A screen
Author: Michelle Rowen
Editions: Milady
Genre: Bit-bed
Pages: 384

Back Cover :
Former vampire hunter Michael Quinn is determined to become human. His only solution: seize the Eil, a powerful artifact. But a bounty hunter, killer of supernatural creatures are after him: Janie Parker. The Eye is his only chance to get into the good graces of his boss evil. This threat, in fact, the beheaded if she can not find it. Janie has no choice: she must kill Michael, he is so seductive ...

My opinion:
/ "\\ Do not read my full review, but rather the conclusion, if you have not read the previous volumes /" \\
Here, no Sarah Dearly or Thierry of Bennicoeur. This third volume is devoted exclusively to Quinn ( former vampire hunter become ) and Janie ( mercenary encountered in the previous Volume ).

At history, I think the back cover says it all. Our two characters are in search of the eye for different reasons, but their life depends on it. Will then make a choice, kill each other or help.

Characters now ... I think Quinn has softened compared to previous volumes. It is rather suicidal and continues to degrade, so it still had a strong character before ...
As for Janie, is discovered in a different light. She did not charmed nor annoyed, it's a rather "neutral" in short.

Writing and style of the author are always enjoyable, the story reads fast enough. But there's really no sense of humor. It's a bit of book-bed, period.
/ "\\ End of potential spoilers /" \\

To conclude was a pretty good story bit-bed, however I was quite unsettled by the failure to find the same kind of story in the first 2 volumes. Namely, a mixture of bit-bed and bed-chick who made me laugh a lot. Volume is a more serious than others. It is not really bad, it's just different!
I am happy to see Sarah in Volume 4 "From Hell", released in April 2011 Milady;)

My rating: Image hébergée par

Volume 1: Mordue
Volume 2: Hooked
Volume 3: A screen
Volume 4: From Hell (April 22, 2011)


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