Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Account Charged By Facts

The magical worlds of Harry Potter

Title: The magical worlds of Harry Potter
Author: David Colbert
Editions: Pocket
Genre: Children's Literature
Pages: 224

Back Cover :
fantastic creatures, myths and legends: a fascinating investigation into the scenes of magical adventures of young Harry, with illustrations. This guide proposes to embark on a fascinating journey through the worlds, both real and imaginary, magic. This imaginary world created by JK Rowling is rooted in a tradition that has survived the centuries. This book deciphers these fabulous stories and uncovers the hidden meaning of the names of characters, winks Folklore to history, literature, myths and legends ...

My opinion: I love Harry Potter
and his entire universe. That's why I started this book.

I'm pretty lukewarm on my reading.
We learn interesting things about the world that JK Rowling has created, however it still remains vague. It has more information on sources (Greek mythology, the characters which the author was inspired to do his "world") rather than on the world of Harry himself.

I think I can find other books about Hogwarts and company, who will be well best.

My rating: Image hébergée par servimg.com

This reading is part of the 2011 ABC Challenge Fantasy / Bit-bed :
(I'm 6 pounds of 26)
Image hébergée par servimg.com


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