Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Patients Welcome Letter Examples

Kate Daniels, Volume 1: Magic Fang

Title: Kate Daniels, Book 1: Magic Fang
Auteur : Ilona Andrews
Editions: Milady
Genre: Bit-bed
Pages: 352

"In Atlanta two opposing realities: that of the technology and magic. During a wave magic, mages cast their spells and wild monsters appear, guns and refuse to run the cars do not start. Then the wave recedes as quickly as it came leaving behind all sorts of problems paranormal. We live in dangerous times. But otherwise, I'd be unemployed. When people have trouble falling within the occult and that the police will not or can not adjust, it makes use of mercenaries of magic like me. But when a necromancer destroys the only family I have left, I expect more orders and I unsheathed my sword. "

My opinion: The story
is not too bad.
Kate Daniels is a mercenary working for the Guild. She discovers that Greg, the Knight of the Divine Order was murdered. It represents what is closest in terms of "family" and Kate will then decide to investigate.
Behind assassination, there will be many more murders, threats, strange creatures ...

The mid-world mid-tech magic that sets the scene is not really the point. Admittedly, it was very informative, but I would say that it is not essential and in the end it's been a bit messy. Some aspects of this world are not developed enough. During playback, you feel like a lack of details.
But I found the approach to some rather interesting creatures. For example, vampires are like puppets operated by necromancers.

characters are not much worked. Looks like their personality has not been expanded to allow more room for action. I liked their psychology further.
Kate is a heroine of bit-bed fairly commonplace in the genre. Solitaire, fiery temperament, she gets into impossible situations ... I find it a bit "too" tough, even for a bit of heroin bed. Show us a face more feminine and more humane was not luxury:) I enjoyed
Curran. He is the Lord of Beasts, powerful leader of the pack. I like this kind of enigmatic character, making everyone freak, but being irresistible lol. On

writing, there are things that happen to angry lol.
The language is very familiar and even vulgar, but hey it is true that it is rather common in the world of bit-bed (which does not mean that I like).
changes "scenes" are really rough: no line breaks, nothing. So that is often lost. I often had to reread certain passages. As we move from a conversation in a lounge, an attack from vampires from miles away, without a line break, it feels kind of weird ... I wondered if he was not lacking pages at the moment (but not, apparently it's "normal"). In addition, the chapters are really too long for my taste, which makes the story quite heavy.

In conclusion, I would say that despite the flaws that I have raised, it was still not too bad a read. I think persevere with the result, but it's not in my priorities.

My rating:

This was read as part of a common understanding on Livraddict. Here are the views of other participants: Thalia , Fairy, Lolo, Mariiine , Karline , Eden, Lexounet , Furby, Didi8921 , Tigrouloup (Voz), and Nanet Mycoton .

Volume 1: Magic Fang
Volume 2: Magic Burns
Volume 3: Magic Attack

This reading was also part of Baby-bed-Bit Challenge 2011 :

(17 / 20)
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's 2011 Fantasy Challenge ABC / Bit-bed :
(I'm 7 pounds of 26)
Image hébergée par

and Challenge Milady in section "Bit-bed":
(8 / 18)
Image hébergée par


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