Sunday, February 27, 2011

1984 Ap Chem Answers Multiple Choice

Darren Shan - Book 5: Trials of Death

Title: Darren Shan - Book 5: Trials of Death
Author: Darren Shan & Takahiro Arai
Genre: Manga / Shonen
Editions: Pika
Pages: 208

Back Cover :
Darren went to the mountain to watch the Vampire Council, a large meeting is held every twelve years. The princes of vampires accuse Mr Crepsley, the master of Darren, to have turned into semi vampire. Now to prove he is worthy to be considered a full-fledged vampire, darren must pass the tests of initiation. Only if it fails: no other possible outcome than death!

My opinion:
I was tired of waiting for the sequel to "The Wizard of vampire " Hachette ( not even release date for Volume 5 ... pfff ... ) of the sudden I've been tempted later in manga version!

I must say that I am very happy! I worried a little, the only manga I read is that of twilight, and he gave me terribly disappointed ...

It's been a little weird to see the characters with a any other head (especially after watching the movie "The Wizard of vampire" lol) but once gets into the story, I admit that it does not upset me more than that.
The story picks up where it left off in Volume 4 (finally stopped where Hachette). The transition between the novel and manga went very well, no downtime.
The history of this fifth volume is involved, we follow Darren through the trials imposed. But something will not happen as planned ...

is well drawn, the dialogue is intelligent without being heavy, it's not clutter (this I feared a little too).

The end is truly awful, in the sense that she finished a shot like that, and we want to run out and buy more lol.
Really, I am conquered by this manga and I intend to read more (and previous volumes to complete my collection).

My rating: Image hébergée par

Darren Shan (manga)
Volume 1: The circus of the strange
Volume 2: The vampire's assistant
Volume 3: Galleries bloody
Volume 4: Vampire Mountain
Volume 5: Tests death
Volume 6: The Prince of Vampires
Volume 7: Hunters of the dusk
Volume 8:? (April 6)


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