Monday, February 7, 2011

Time To Defrost Sausages In A Microwave

Zombie Story, Volume 2: Zombie Nation

Title: Zombie Nation
Author: David Wellington
Genre: Terror
Editions: Milady
Pages: 384

Back Cover :
One day the dead are raised ... A wave of cannibalism and terror spread in the United States. Bannerman Clark, captain of the National Guard, is charged with an important mission: to discover the origin of this disaster and prevent him from winning Los Angeles. His investigation leads him to California where a woman holds the secret of the epidemic. But she is struck with amnesia. And to protect it, Bannerman must overcome zombies growing, invisible or with powers worthy of super-heroes. Learn how the horror began ...

My opinion: I give this
reading after 130 pages. As in the first volume, we share a fantastic frenzy a bit far fetched, rather than a story like "Terror".
So, I stop here with this "series" and I will not read on!


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