Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Reinstall My Wlan Card

Rachel Morgan - Volume 4: A Fistful of charms

Title: Rachel Morgan - Volume 4: A Fistful of charms
Author: Kim Harrison
Genre: Bit-bed
Editions: Milady
Pages: 700

Back Cover :
Rachel Morgan has become a witch of the Black Arts! It must be that to get rid of evil beings who are after her beauty all want to possess her, sleep with her and kill her, and not necessarily in that order. For proof, Nick, a mortal who loved and then abandoned Rachel has returned in his life. He is haunted by the secrets of her past and hunted by creatures desperate to get what he has. Rachel must act, and quickly, because the pack gathers for the first time in millennia to ravage and conquer the world. The werewolves and vampires will fight for supremacy!

My opinion:
/ "\\ Caution risk of spoilers if you have not read the previous volumes. Meet at the conclusion if you do not know too much /! \\
** With this fourth volume, we exchange a bit of decoration. History takes place at several hundred miles of Cincinnati. In fact, Rachel and Jenks in search of Jax, and then Nick, held hostage by a pack of werewolves. The latter has stolen an object can declare a real war between the vampires and wolves ... Our favorite witch is still catch up to their necks in trouble!

** Regarding main characters, there is a real evolution. The relationship between Ivy and Rachel takes a turn quite confusing (for them both), we find Jenks in a different light. Kisten is somewhat cleared, it appears here and there in history, but no great importance. Rachel will be emotionally hurt by the return of Nick in his life.
Rachel has really changed much magic level, and will realize that everything is going to pay someday. Our trio ( Jenks, Ivy and Rachel ) will have many new enemies (it renews the stock of a little bad lol).

** Writing Kim Harrison is still fluid, I have not seen the 700-page scrolling.
/ "\\ End of potential spoilers /" \\

In conclusion, it is with great pleasure that I found Rachel Morgan and her world. The story kept me in suspense until the end, I had a good laugh with Jenks, and the end is really terrible. Everything is designed to move again, a great time! I'm definitely fan of the series bit-bed! I think that Volume 5 will soon leave my PAL to land in my hands.

My rating: Image hébergée par

This book was read as part of a common understanding on Livraddict. Click nicks to know the opinions of other participants) Deliregirl1 , Hecla , Bambi_slaughter , Yumiko and Kristus.

Volume 1: Witch to the scaffold
Volume 2: The Good, the Bad and the Undead
Volume 3: Witch, Black Heart
Volume 4: a handful of charms
Volume 5: For a Few Demons More

This reading is part of the 2011 ABC Challenge Fantasy / Bit-bed :
(I'm 8 pounds of 26)
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