Friday, March 4, 2011

Chlorophyll Safe Pregnant

Volume 1 - Volume 6: The Prince of

Title: Darren Shan - Volume 6: The Prince of Vampires
Author: Darren Shan & Takahiro Arai
Genre: Manga / Shonen
Editions: Pika
Pages: 208

While it is about to escape from the Mountain of vampires and save his life, Darren discovers the plot Kurda Smahlt, past the camp of vampiriks. Refusing the help of the latter, he gets carried away by a raging torrent which flows out of the mountain. Rescued by his friends the wolves, Darren finds the strength and courage to return to the room to inform the Princes authorities of the betrayal of future Kurdish prince, even if in so doing, he signed for the second time his death sentence ...

My opinion:
I advise you not to read my review if you have not read the previous volumes:)
be found where Darren has been left at the end of Volume 5: caught in the waters towards the bowels of the mountain of Vampires. It will come out alive (but not free ) and will be raised by wolves ( pack of Stripe, the cross Volume 4).
Although he is sentenced to death by the community of vampires ( Volume 5) it will still return to the Princes Hall ( helped wolves) to announce to everyone the betrayal of Kurds and the presence of Vampiriks in the Mountain. The Princes will believe them? Will he ever sentenced to death? Will they overcome the Vampiriks?

The history of this sixth book is really excellent, even better than the last. It is rich in emotion (sadness, anger, some joy, too). Darren shows us once again his courage. The end points to a sacred moment in the history of vampires.

I really love this series! This volume was a real favorite. I only one regret: it reads too fast lol. I hope to see book 7 soon in my PAL!

My rating: Image hébergée par

Darren Shan (manga)
Volume 1: The circus of the strange
Volume 2: The vampire's assistant
Volume 3: Galleries bloody
Volume 4: The Mountain vampires
Volume 5: Tests death
Volume 6: The Prince of Vampires
Volume 7: Hunters of the dusk
Volume 8:? (April 6)


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