Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Piaggio Zip Derestriction

Transition Course: 5) The decision of the Muslim expansion in the eighth century

In eighth century, we find that Islam has further expanded its area of influence. North Africa and much of Spain, formerly a bastion of Christianity in part, and a large area to the east, which will continue to grow.

careful, however, the interpretation of this card: do not see that green areas have become very quickly and overwhelmingly Muslim. If the elites, the people of the towns are enrevanche, large rural populations retain their traditions, such as Berber peoples of the Maghreb, which continue for a long time to practice their religion mixed with local Roman and Christian influences.

Nevertheless, Muslims are the pitfalls in their desire to conquer Europe.
First, they tried to besiege Constantinople repeatedly and in vain: their last attempt in 718, results in a failure .

Moreover, they are stopped in their conquest of Western Europe in the Southwest of France, during a battle made legendary by tradition, the Battle of Poitiers , won by Charles Martel in 732, you've probably seen at college.

must say that the West is undergoing a revival : small Frankish kingdoms were fortified with the coronation of Charlemagne "Emperor of the Romans" in 800 , the West starts to dream of military power and unity.

the way, you will notice that the Byzantines are no longer the only heirs to claim the Empire.


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