Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Darmowy Serwer Z Php I Mysql Zagranica

Transition Course: 1) The empire of Constantine

Here the first map that we saw in the course: Following this card is not to learn or to catch up, to draw yourself. You just need to know in order to be less lost. You can click on images to see larger size.

First, here is the Roman Empire Constantine as presented to us: it is a United Empire extensive . Christianity there is widespread and it will soon become the sole religion of the Empire.
However, this empire is under external pressure and many attempts of invasion, particularly by the Visigoths, Ostrogoths in the north and the Persians in the East.
To cope with these dangers and to break with the past of pagan Rome, Constantine gives new capital to the Empire, named Constantinople ("City of Constantine"), in 326.
This "new Rome" is at a strategic location: the Bosporus, which controls the passage of the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea.


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