Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Character Mugen Naruto

Transition Course: 2) The Empire divided

Second current map view: because of external pressures from migrant peoples who endanger the Empire, the death of Theodosius in 395, the Empire is shared in half to be more easily defended and governed. The Empire has been divided réoganisé but this time, it is final.

The Empire is divided, each party has its capital Rome for the Roman Empire of Occident (West) and the Roman Empire of the East (East) ... . Constantinople!

Both sides will gradually move away from each other, with different interests and a different fate, in fact, the Empire of the West will not survive the invasion.

There has also among the assailants of the Empire that are still the Persians, Vandals and show delivery and especially Franks, a people who will be the source of a new West.


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