Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How High Do I Put Tiebacks For Curtains

Transition Course: 3) Birth of a new monotheism, Islam

map view
Third course: while the Eastern Roman Empire, that we call now Byzantine Empire, is resistant to maintain the "spirit of the Roman Empire" alive, and that the West is immersed in a reorganization in the Frankish kingdoms, one in 622 to attend an event of utmost importance. In

622 , Mohammed (Mohammed, Muhammad ...), which is said to be the last prophet of God dated fled from Mecca, where he was being persecuted, to take refuge in Medina , where it will be recognized as Prohet by the inhabitants. We consider that this event marks the birth of Islam , and it is called the Hegira . This is the start date of the Muslim calendar.

Muhammad will give a tool for spiritual and religious Arabs that will enable them to unite and take a lot of importance.


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