Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Painting Of Woman In Red Dress Dancing On Beach

card to catch up for Saturday 1 December: the Mediterranean in 1150: three great civilizations.

At last the card you need to catch up (ie coloring and make up) for Saturday 1st December. She called

"The Mediterranean in the XII century (1150): trade and contacts between three major civilizations"

I've put in two versions, one with the names of cities, the other with the names of kingdoms and empires, for readability. You must include all on the same card! In

Green you acknowledge Muslim territories, divided into several sets policies. In Orange
, the Byzantine Empire , with its capital, Constantinople .
Finally, Blue , the Christian West divided into several kingdoms, principalities and empires. You will note the presence in 1150 of Latin States of the East that surround Jerusalem, founded after the Crusades.

Cities highlighted in red are in store!

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Transition Course: 5) The decision of the Muslim expansion in the eighth century

In eighth century, we find that Islam has further expanded its area of influence. North Africa and much of Spain, formerly a bastion of Christianity in part, and a large area to the east, which will continue to grow.

careful, however, the interpretation of this card: do not see that green areas have become very quickly and overwhelmingly Muslim. If the elites, the people of the towns are enrevanche, large rural populations retain their traditions, such as Berber peoples of the Maghreb, which continue for a long time to practice their religion mixed with local Roman and Christian influences.

Nevertheless, Muslims are the pitfalls in their desire to conquer Europe.
First, they tried to besiege Constantinople repeatedly and in vain: their last attempt in 718, results in a failure .

Moreover, they are stopped in their conquest of Western Europe in the Southwest of France, during a battle made legendary by tradition, the Battle of Poitiers , won by Charles Martel in 732, you've probably seen at college.

must say that the West is undergoing a revival : small Frankish kingdoms were fortified with the coronation of Charlemagne "Emperor of the Romans" in 800 , the West starts to dream of military power and unity.

the way, you will notice that the Byzantines are no longer the only heirs to claim the Empire.

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Transition Course: 4) The rapid expansion of Islam

Fourth map current view: here the "snapshot" of the Mediterranean only 20 years after the Hegira.

There the very rapid expansion (a record!) of Islam, which conquered the entire Arabian Peninsula, the Near and Middle East, the Nile Valley, which starts at s extend to the Maghreb.
We also note that it is beginning to worry the Byzantine Empire southeast, a region known as Anatolia.

Like the christinanisme, it reflects a climate of spiritual expectation which was a new monotheism a satisfactory response to questions and concerns of men and women of our time. But it is also the result of a rapid military expansion because it is based on dynamic methods of combat, including light cavalry.

Question: What are the two cities very important (whose initials are A and J on the map) have been won on this occasion?

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Transition Course: 3) Birth of a new monotheism, Islam

map view
Third course: while the Eastern Roman Empire, that we call now Byzantine Empire, is resistant to maintain the "spirit of the Roman Empire" alive, and that the West is immersed in a reorganization in the Frankish kingdoms, one in 622 to attend an event of utmost importance. In

622 , Mohammed (Mohammed, Muhammad ...), which is said to be the last prophet of God dated fled from Mecca, where he was being persecuted, to take refuge in Medina , where it will be recognized as Prohet by the inhabitants. We consider that this event marks the birth of Islam , and it is called the Hegira . This is the start date of the Muslim calendar.

Muhammad will give a tool for spiritual and religious Arabs that will enable them to unite and take a lot of importance.

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Transition Course: 2) The Empire divided

Second current map view: because of external pressures from migrant peoples who endanger the Empire, the death of Theodosius in 395, the Empire is shared in half to be more easily defended and governed. The Empire has been divided réoganisé but this time, it is final.

The Empire is divided, each party has its capital Rome for the Roman Empire of Occident (West) and the Roman Empire of the East (East) ... . Constantinople!

Both sides will gradually move away from each other, with different interests and a different fate, in fact, the Empire of the West will not survive the invasion.

There has also among the assailants of the Empire that are still the Persians, Vandals and show delivery and especially Franks, a people who will be the source of a new West.

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Transition Course: 1) The empire of Constantine

Here the first map that we saw in the course: Following this card is not to learn or to catch up, to draw yourself. You just need to know in order to be less lost. You can click on images to see larger size.

First, here is the Roman Empire Constantine as presented to us: it is a United Empire extensive . Christianity there is widespread and it will soon become the sole religion of the Empire.
However, this empire is under external pressure and many attempts of invasion, particularly by the Visigoths, Ostrogoths in the north and the Persians in the East.
To cope with these dangers and to break with the past of pagan Rome, Constantine gives new capital to the Empire, named Constantinople ("City of Constantine"), in 326.
This "new Rome" is at a strategic location: the Bosporus, which controls the passage of the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Blurred Vision Left Eye Kaliedoscope

further information

Concerning the image taken from the homilies of Gregory of Niziance, one of your friends told me she could not find the information regarding the date of this painting, and it was not consistent with dates of birth and death of Gregory Niziance. So

for information, Gregory has lived in the fourth century. He is the author of homilies, ie text. But the book which was drawn image is one of the publications of homilies, which took place in the ninth century. The image itself dates from the ninth century, it is there to illustrate and decorate the text written by Gregory Niziance the fourth century.

Yes, I looked at the sources and it is difficult to find the date of publication dates, although separated life and death of Gregory Niziance.