Sunday, January 3, 2010

Upper East Side Laundromat

again - Bonan! Bollywood

Back at the apartment of Jean-Louis for a short sequence of breaks. From left to right, Remi Torregrossa (Triskell to appear), Jean-Louis Mourier (Trolls) Cedric Riveira Fernandez (The Flight of Angels), Pat and Eric Cartier (The Expedition Alunys-Legend of Troy to come), Lucia and myself tite Audrey Alwett (Princess Sara).
Under a veil romantic East: Eric and Pat Cartier.
Also present were Junior (aka Christopher Alliel-Terres de Caƫl) and her dear and tender.
As usual, Arleston that had stuck in the kitchen. Hmm, it smelled good Cardamom!
A surprise guest ...
Eric Cartier against the wrath of my camera, hu hu! But I got it anyway.
We take a break to capture the beautiful work of Lucia ... All the girls had the right to a design souvenir with henna. Obviously, as he had to keep the product half an hour before it takes effect, we had to walk a while with his hand in the air. Impractical to eat with your left hand ...
Return of bogoss-ole. Cedric has still managed to look like a super-dragger on the photos ... Beware ladies!
That's it for the evening. Arleston you say bye-bye and happy new year!


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