Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mahesh Manoltra Sarees

at Jean-Louis Mourier

There will be others, but here are some photos from the evening of New Year! India was invited to Jean-Louis Mourier, and we were all dressed up ...
Above Arleston and Jean-Louis Mourier, bordering the Great, the only Nabob Eric Cartier. On land, in women undergoing worthy (yeah, you talk) and little Lucy Catherine.
Remi Torregrossa meditating on the mysteries of this world ...
It takes the same and again ... Oh and I forgot to mention, the dog's name is Dita.
Remi, Lucia Fernandez and Cedric Riveira blessing Arleston preparing the meal, and hidden in the right corner, Philippe Pellet ... It will be noted in the background the giant troll dressed as Buddha.


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