Sunday, June 14, 2009

When Does Cm Dry Up Before Af

! (Gottferdom with guest-star)

Last week was the inauguration of the great World Expo Troy Belgian Comic Strip Centre in Brussels.
So, obviously, there were speeches. Above, left, Thierry Bellefroid, curator, author of V oyageur Troy TV presenter and journalist well-known Belgian elsewhere. Then came Arleston the microphone and the great Danny, designer Olivier Rameau, and Warriors of Troy (one day we will see in print, if so!) And finally, the head of CBDB.
That evening, many people were here, come see the show and artists Gottferdom in action.
Because you imagine that the studio is touted since the great room with a webcam for 10 days and until the end of September. Yes, the CBDB you can see them work, pretend, yell at each other, drinking mojitos and worse stuff. In ordinary times, so it looks like this:
Except that the opening night, in fact, it looked like this:

With Loop, a beautiful extract the trailer for "Captive Women" pron years old 70 which has the merit of having the funniest comment you ever heard of memory trailer.
Well, long live the spirit Gottferdom!


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