Friday, June 12, 2009

How To Masterbaste A Woman

Adrien Floch

small tour of Brussels, since it was famous for EXPO CBDB of Arleston (see post below), along with Adrien Floch living there for 2 years now.
is handy to have a guide! Adrian thank you for letting us discover the Cook and Book, a bookstore (giant more) where you eat with books. In France, this kind of concept breaks always the figure, but there it works very hard. Above Arleston, the owner of the premises and Mister Floch to this library not trivial.
Here they are now trying to view menus in a kind of diving as a UFO landed in the middle shelves of books.
Surprise on the menu! There was a dish called "The Hébus" near "Gargamel" and "Thorgal.
The day finished in CBDB where Arleston Floch and actively dedicated during the late afternoon, pending the inauguration ... I'll do the report tomorrow.


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