Thursday, December 24, 2009

Best Write Something About You Facebook

Bye Bye Gottferdom

the holidays, the studio empties slowly and everyone leaves with his suitcases. As for me, I go with a little more than that: my boxes! Finish
Gottferdom, from 1 January, I will not work here anymore, sniff.
Thanks to Melanie for making me discover the studio
Tof Thanks for telling me open doors
Thanks to Dom to make this place what it is
And thank you to all those with whom I worked in this studio or that I met in the corridors daily or occasionally, and contribute to make it live ...

From January, it will go on for those who want to hear from me. Until then Happy
Noyes and Happy New Year to all as long as you are! Peace and love, peace and pleasure, laughter and joyousness, tea and coffee, and much more ....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wedding Dance For Mount And Blade Warband

Thursday is poker night!

It is often said that there are traditions that are installed in the studio Gottferdom. Generally it lasts two weeks and then it's over. It is not very likely on the habits, actually. But
poker is something else! Since half of France is a fad that has taken the studio since early August and lasts ...
Every week on Thursday, anyone can build its 5 euros to hope to win the jackpot at the end of the evening.
Here Cedric Riveira, Remi Torregrossa, Carole Lucia, Loïc Nicoloff (our favorite director), Tof Arleston doing to eat (for change), the great Dav come see us for the occasion, Simon Van Liemmt (who just released the beautiful BD POKER at Lombard) and the unforgettable Dom!
And then like, since it is in season, here's the cover Simon!

The Dangers Of Nicotine Gum

With a little late ...

Photos of the birthday, Cedric was November 4 and we celebrated it with a nice cake quite fitting with his little name: kitten (Thanks to Delphine B for his very successful stencil).
He also had his picture right with all gottfergirls!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kate's Playgrounds Name?

Barbeük (without Biaphynn) Gottferdom the studio!

Unless it is otherwise ... Briefly, Cedric Le Roy, the talented screenwriter of your gag aforementioned series (no, no it is not dirty ...), has been with us few days. As you can see, he loves Teddy marshmallow. That's why we kept it in fact ...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Berger Paints Colour Samples

Princess Sara in bookstores!

Sorcellery After Sweety, here is finally in bookstores Princess Sara, the second installment in the series Blackberry. Thank you to talentueutissime Aleksi Aubry-Carlson who composed the music for us on purpose ...

All the girls followed the cartoon when they were small, I hope you'll like the comic book version adapted for this fabulous novel, The Little Princess (Frances H. Burnett).

Nora Moretti, Claudia Boccato and I will dedicate to the library Bédule (Toulon), September 30 from 15h to 19h.
You can also find us Friday, October 2 at FNAC in Aix-en-Provence from 15h to 18h30, and finally to the library Provence (Aix always) Saturday, October 3, 15 and 19h.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

When After Bunion Surgery Can U Wear Heels

Geek & Girly - The debut of the collection Strawberry!

is the first album of the collection Strawberry, and even that is awesome! A shoujo
super punchy on which you can rush in bookstores from September 23!

If with this beautiful music you're not motivated Offspring ...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Swollen Cuticle On Finger

Sinbad - legend has his trailer ...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dentist Austin Saturday

Sinbad and Sweety Sorcellery in bookstores! The

They are now in bookstores! Finally, volume 2 of Sinbad! And Volume 1 of Sorcellery Sweety! Happy reading!
And if your bookstore does not yet exist, it deserves to be thrown into the bottom of a well with the Brussels sprouts of the canteen (rotten). Na.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Best Bath Pillow For Straight Bathtub

fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillles of Gottferdom

was a time when girls were intense minority Gottferdom. But those days are gone! They have carefully prepared their invasion and settled in quietly, one by one in the studio ... The era has arrived and girly women are now in power!
So obviously these gentlemen wanted to take pictures ...
Around the body builder Remi Torregrossa (Triskell designer), you will find lr Delphine Bodet (Figure Youth), Serena (future great designer), Ericka Sarmiento (writer Street Girls), Mary Lucie Titus (future great designer), Marie Morvan (assistant shock Drafting), Audrey Alwett (writer Sinbad and Sweety Sorcellery - it's me, hu hu) Mélanÿn (writer Le Chant d'Excalibur Tykko Sands) and Carole (who always bump in the cinema since the last time ).
We take the same and we start with Arleston (writer Lanfeust and Trolls of Troy) in the middle of a harem in a swoon.
Then, The bogoss ole, Cedric Rivera Fernandez (designer of the Flight of Angels - and indeed it is called "kittens").
was calculated that we would soon enough girls to make a calendar. Promised, we keep Dom for the month December.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rust Spots On Stainless Steel Cutlery

As in the pub Evian!

contest dives 22h at Gottferchamps! With
in order: tite Lucia, Nicolas (actually he called Tac), Steven Lucas (TDB, God has the balls), Remi Torregrossa (Triskell in January in your libraries) and Arleston.
Well, it's Lucia won anyway because it's prettier girls, first.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pinnacle Pctv 150e 55e Lost Software

next Wednesday ... Sweety Sorcellery

The music was composed by graciously Aleksi Aubry-Carlson

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pain In Ears When Drink Alchohol

Between pros - The Raft of the Medusa

In the series Gottferdom fields, with Ciro Tota (The Conquest of Troy) and Jean-Louis Mourier (Trolls de Troy) guest-stars.

When the two big comics meet, it looks like this:
Jean-Louis hump currently on the covers of boxes Trolls. And as usual, he draws pictures of the great masters. And as usual, we say it is another, large master ...

What Is Andrea Birds Worth

Gottferdom fields!

The workshop moved to the country time to a seminar, so we can work to green. As you can see, we advance all of our albums like crazy.
Below: us in action.

Well, obviously, it was already past 20h, so we had almost finished all our work and time was at the alley and mojitos. So you can recognize Arleston sitting at the table, Mélanÿn the ground near his Siobann Cocker, Carole (our representative film) shooting ball, Dom (Latil) and Jean-Louis Mourier to the analysis of fire balls. In philosophical thinker, designer Remi Torregrossa in rebounder ball in hand Cedric Rivera (designer of the Flight of Angels), and then also ptite Lucia (future great designer) and two-Geek Interns: Tic and Tac (in truth They called not like that).

Monday, July 6, 2009

Puzzle Josephine Wall Zodiac

Arleston in Japan Expo!

He was at the Japan Expo! A quick tour, but good nonetheless. And arriving at the booth of Francois Amoretti, for a surprise! Japanese Lolitas 3
were there, standing at any price pose with him. So we did not miss the opportunity to show you the picture!
reminder, Francis is the illustrator of Gothic Lolita-, step-forthcoming book Sun in late October in the collection Blackberry. The curious will note kakemono the right of the photo that will be the album cover.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Scooby Doo Waffle Maker New

Lanfeust Mag 122

A little scoop for you!

As a preview, the contents of the mag summer! With a superb illustration of Adrien Floch, yes! The Castaways of this summer Ythaq T7 are in the mag. Output expected
July 4 ...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Interests About Fashion To Put On A Resume


They are super bo, and enthroned in my buro!
Here Sinbad and the ugly Engineering in 3D! Beautiful statues made by Attakus !

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hypertension Pedal Edema

Flight of Angels-production Gottferdom! THE INAUGURATION

Olé! Skilèbo with its profile of English! Cédric Fernandez has released the e Angels Flight at Zephyr, under the name Rivera.
And there's work! Often first come and gone during the last month Gottferdom studio, he toiled away hard on his boards and his doc, out this comic devoted to aviation.
Experts will not be disappointed!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

When Does Cm Dry Up Before Af

! (Gottferdom with guest-star)

Last week was the inauguration of the great World Expo Troy Belgian Comic Strip Centre in Brussels.
So, obviously, there were speeches. Above, left, Thierry Bellefroid, curator, author of V oyageur Troy TV presenter and journalist well-known Belgian elsewhere. Then came Arleston the microphone and the great Danny, designer Olivier Rameau, and Warriors of Troy (one day we will see in print, if so!) And finally, the head of CBDB.
That evening, many people were here, come see the show and artists Gottferdom in action.
Because you imagine that the studio is touted since the great room with a webcam for 10 days and until the end of September. Yes, the CBDB you can see them work, pretend, yell at each other, drinking mojitos and worse stuff. In ordinary times, so it looks like this:
Except that the opening night, in fact, it looked like this:

With Loop, a beautiful extract the trailer for "Captive Women" pron years old 70 which has the merit of having the funniest comment you ever heard of memory trailer.
Well, long live the spirit Gottferdom!

Friday, June 12, 2009

How To Masterbaste A Woman

Adrien Floch

small tour of Brussels, since it was famous for EXPO CBDB of Arleston (see post below), along with Adrien Floch living there for 2 years now.
is handy to have a guide! Adrian thank you for letting us discover the Cook and Book, a bookstore (giant more) where you eat with books. In France, this kind of concept breaks always the figure, but there it works very hard. Above Arleston, the owner of the premises and Mister Floch to this library not trivial.
Here they are now trying to view menus in a kind of diving as a UFO landed in the middle shelves of books.
Surprise on the menu! There was a dish called "The Hébus" near "Gargamel" and "Thorgal.
The day finished in CBDB where Arleston Floch and actively dedicated during the late afternoon, pending the inauguration ... I'll do the report tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cellulitis If The Knee

Brussels Expo Centre Arleston Belgian Comic Strip

Oyez, oyez, folks!

Until the end of September stands at a major exhibition Arleston Belgian Comic Strip Center in Brussels!
And the world of Troy is present in all its splendor.

The world map of Troy covers real world running. Tof and then, more than your finger at random on the ball to decide where to place the next Legend? As for the pub loto: Ben is the game, my pauv'Lucette.

Obviously, the show is full of lots of real nice original plates. And for the impatient, a board of Dany Warriors of Troy (4 years since the album is started ...)

example of a Hérengel on Night Safran (close up because I'm nice), another legend who certainly appear in 2010 ...

course not without expo giant Troll. It was also there, ready to slap on anything that moves, except the girls who watched him in his kilt (authentic).

tomorrow if you are wise, little focus on a nice place to Brussels, accompanied by Adrien Floch (Ythaq). And finally, the day after the inauguration of the exhibition with a big surprise Gottferdom the studio, which is somewhat strangled Organizers ...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Black Hairdressers Winnipeg

Taste of Auggy farewell!

He left that we had brought the cockroaches in the workshop. But not before he held a great taste! Here he proudly posing with a bottle of vintage hand near Arleston and Cedric Fernandez.
We take this opportunity to remind you that it's a great book Blogustin, and even that first, Volume 2, coming out soon!
Aye, Augustine is now in Paris, and it prevents anyone from work at the workshop. We miss you Auggy!