Friday, May 2, 2008

How To Trade Pokemon With Emulator Soul Silver


Monday, May 21:

DS Geography: Choice: The dynamics or urban risks

start of chapter: The Revolution and political experiences in France until 1851

Lesson 1: The time of upheaval: 1789-1815

docs intro:

doc 2 p 146 (portrait by Louis Rigaud)

doc p165 (execution of Louis XVI, burning the Carnavalet Museum)

doc p 190 (Coronation of Napoleon by David)

I) Absolute monarchy faces the realities of the time

A) The dream of the absolutist French monarchy

1) an absolute monarchy that wants ...

doc: transparent plan of Versailles (blog)

doc: 1 p 144

2) ... powers, however limited

doc: plan of Versailles on transparencies (blog)

doc 1 p 148

3) The company of the Old Regime: the three disputed orders?

Doc 1 handout

Saturday, May 26:

B) The Enlightenment: a challenge to the absolutist dreams

1) a new elite with new values: the bourgeoisie

docs p 154-55; construction of a comparative table

2) a challenge to the absolutism abroad who inspires French thinkers

doc 2 handout (Voltaire, Philosophical Letters , passage on the English monarchy)

  1. ideas of the Enlightenment: a reflection on the power

doc 3 handout (Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws , passing over the separation of powers)

Monday, May 28 :

II) 1789-1799: The French Revolution: 10 years of upheaval in the political, social, cultural French


A) From the Revolution of Lawyers in the People's Revolution

  1. crisis of 1789

doc 4 p 157

2) parliamentarians lead population to the states general

doc 4 p 159

3) 1789: the big change

doc p 164: The Oath of the Jeu de Paume, Jacques-Louis David, 1790

For Saturday, May 3:

see document 3 p 173 (DDHC 1789):

  • show the influence of Montesquieu's thought in the preamble

  • sort form table items that you seem to fall EQUALITY / FREEDOM / POLITICAL RIGHTS

  • make a list of symbols visible in the pictures and thanks to your manual, give a sense


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