Friday, May 2, 2008

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Monday, May 21:

DS Geography: Choice: The dynamics or urban risks

start of chapter: The Revolution and political experiences in France until 1851

Lesson 1: The time of upheaval: 1789-1815

docs intro:

doc 2 p 146 (portrait by Louis Rigaud)

doc p165 (execution of Louis XVI, burning the Carnavalet Museum)

doc p 190 (Coronation of Napoleon by David)

I) Absolute monarchy faces the realities of the time

A) The dream of the absolutist French monarchy

1) an absolute monarchy that wants ...

doc: transparent plan of Versailles (blog)

doc: 1 p 144

2) ... powers, however limited

doc: plan of Versailles on transparencies (blog)

doc 1 p 148

3) The company of the Old Regime: the three disputed orders?

Doc 1 handout

Saturday, May 26:

B) The Enlightenment: a challenge to the absolutist dreams

1) a new elite with new values: the bourgeoisie

docs p 154-55; construction of a comparative table

2) a challenge to the absolutism abroad who inspires French thinkers

doc 2 handout (Voltaire, Philosophical Letters , passage on the English monarchy)

  1. ideas of the Enlightenment: a reflection on the power

doc 3 handout (Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws , passing over the separation of powers)

Monday, May 28 :

II) 1789-1799: The French Revolution: 10 years of upheaval in the political, social, cultural French


A) From the Revolution of Lawyers in the People's Revolution

  1. crisis of 1789

doc 4 p 157

2) parliamentarians lead population to the states general

doc 4 p 159

3) 1789: the big change

doc p 164: The Oath of the Jeu de Paume, Jacques-Louis David, 1790

For Saturday, May 3:

see document 3 p 173 (DDHC 1789):

  • show the influence of Montesquieu's thought in the preamble

  • sort form table items that you seem to fall EQUALITY / FREEDOM / POLITICAL RIGHTS

  • make a list of symbols visible in the pictures and thanks to your manual, give a sense

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2B 2D

Monday 21 May:

DS Geography:

Choice: The dynamics or urban risks

For Saturday, May 26:

on the handout, do the exercise Comparison between two tables per 154-55

Saturday, May 26:

beginning of the chapter: "The Revolution and political experiences in France until 1851"

Lesson 1: The time of upheaval: 1789-1815

docs intro:

doc 2 p 146 (portrait by Louis Rigaud)

doc p165 (execution of Louis XVI, burning the Carnavalet Museum)

doc p 190 (Coronation of Napoleon by David)

I) Absolute monarchy faces the realities of the time

A) The dream of the absolutist French monarchy

1) an absolute monarchy that wants ...

doc: transparent plan of Versailles (blog)

doc: 1 p 144

2) ... powers, however limited

doc: plan of Versailles on transparencies (blog)

doc 1 p 148

3) The company of the Old Regime: the three disputed orders?

Doc 1 handout

B) The Enlightenment: a challenge this dream absolutist

1) a new elite with new values: the bourgeoisie

docs p 154-55; construction of a comparative table

2) a challenge to the absolutism abroad who inspires French thinkers

doc 2 handout (Voltaire, Philosophical Letters , crossing the English monarchy)

  1. ideas of the Enlightenment: A Reflection on the power

doc 3 handout (Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws , passing over the separation of powers)

Monday, May 28:

II) 1789-1799: The French Revolution: 10 Years of turmoil political, social, cultural French


A) From the Revolution of Lawyers in the People's Revolution

  1. crisis of 1789

doc 4 p 157 ('s budget Ancien Regime)

2) parliamentarians lead population to the states general

doc 4 p 159 (books of the third estate)

3) 1789: the big change

doc p 164: The Oath of the Jeu de Paume Jacques-Louis David, 1790

For Friday, May 2:

see document 3 p 173 (DDHC 1789):

  • show the influence of thought Montesquieu in the preamble

  • sort tabular items that you seem to fall: EQUALITY / FREEDOM / POLITICAL RIGHTS

  • make a list of symbols visible in the pictures and thanks to your manual, give a sense

Friday, May 2:

B) The work of the first Revolution: the impossible compromise monarchy (1789-1792)

construction diagram entitled: "The work of the Constituent Assembly"

doc 2 p 175

C) The Terror (1792-94) to the reaction Thermidor (1794-1799): the Republic tormented

building the diagram entitled "The Terror, 1792-1794"

doc 2 p 177

For Saturday, May 3:

familiarize themselves with the doc p 190

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Treadmill Stores Under Bed

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa

Ecstasy of St. Theresa , Bernini, 1652

Here the work we had used a transparency to illustrate the Baroque in the course of the Counter-Reformation.

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Urbanization on the planet in 50 years

The two cards we have used to clear at the beginning of the course on urban dynamics.

Remember we said that urban areas as soon belonged to the most developed areas.

Urbanization is an indicator of development.

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Map of Mexico

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

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Poster government for "Sustainable Development Week"

This is the poster published by the Department of Ecology, Development and Water Management sustainable at the occasion of the "Sustainable Development Week" in April 2007.

representation of the Earth offers us an interesting vision of sustainable development goals.

The cheerful colors, the presence of a rainbow sky and bright sunshine make this planet a planet perfect, a paradise on Earth.

We observe the presence of elements evoking the technological ecology, energy management, including (wind turbines, solar panels, bicycle ...)

The rural and urban worlds have reconciled the air: the tractor and cows stand alongside buildings.

Finally, North and South will appear equal, without one dominating the other, in a similar level of development.

The idea of a world view as a whole is also important: remember, we found that the current environment was a border issue!

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Criticism of the concept of development Scheme of sustainable development

The concept of sustainable development does not seem enough for some environmental movements of thought.

Here, the Movement for the decay denounces the concept of sustainable development as an ineffective hypocrisy or manipulation.

A brief analysis This shows: the anonymous author of this poster contains the codes of the Soviet
displays the 1950 to parallel productivism outrageous of the USSR with that of a consumer society. The characters are shown holding a pot of green paint and a brush in hand. They obviously are preparing to paint the unsightly plants contained in the background. Above this figure represented an ironic slogan: "You too, contributes to sustainable development!"
The author here wants the viewer to understand that sustainable development is a layer of green paint still on polluting factories to make them appear as more environmentally friendly. He insinuates that the communication state and commercial on the theme of sustainable development lies a desire to hide environmental problems, and reveals the lack of real commitment of our governments and economic elites to address the overproduction, the source of environmental and social damage .
That is his point of view.

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Here is the plan for sustainable development: this schema definition has value, in class, we had reshaped by a sentence of definition.

Sustainable development is the balancing of three imperatives for development: economic, social and environmental.

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Overfishing: the disappearance of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean

Here are some pictures of Greenpeace activists in the fight against overfishing, particularly for bluefin tuna, a variety very popular, very sought and therefore very expensive and therefore excessively fished.

You will recognize the media aspect of the actions of Greenpeace we talked about going.

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Here is a reproduction of the picture we have analyzed the course.

course, you can click on the image to enlarge.

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Floods in India, Summer 2004

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storm surge barrier in the port of Rotterdam

Saturday, February 23, 2008

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The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

Detail of Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo: Creation of Adam , 1508-1512 ,
Vatican, Rome

Here, there is a detail of the fresco by Michelangelo, who represented all the successive stages of the world was created by God according to Christian beliefs (creation of light, earth and animal ... etc. .). He represents here the creation of Adam, shown at left, the first man according to the 3 major monotheistic religions, God, shown at right, carried by a swarm of angels.

In this scene extremely popular, it poses the traits of a man he wants to perfect. However, at the time, suggested that proximity between God and Man, a deranged numbers people within the Christian Church.

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Other works Michelangelo ...

Pieta by Michelangelo, 1499, St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

Michelangelo shows his mastery of sculpture in draped clothing of Mary, when the difficult task we know that this sculpture was carved from a block of marble, delicate material.

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The David of Michelangelo and other works ...

Here is a reproduction of the work that we used as a hook for our course on Humanism and the Renaissance.

Michelangelo, named in reality Michelangelo Buonarroti Simoni lived from 1475 to 1564 in Italy. He is a master of the Renaissance: he inspired many artists that came after. He is pictorial masterpieces such as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel , you can find in the Vatican, whose most famous scene is the Creation of Adam, or the Last Judgement , you can find reproduction p 119 of your textbook.

David Michelangelo, circa 1501

His way of painting is full of dynamism, the bodies are in motion, which enhances its ability to restore anatomy human. This explains the twists and vivid expressions that mark the robust bodies and faces that he represents.

Regarding the sculpture, we owe him a Pieta : it is a recurring theme in Christian art of representing Mary, which Christians believe it is the virgin mother of Jesus, cry over the dead body of Christ.

We had highlighted during the introductory chapter the following fact: even though it depicts scenes Christian Bible the works of Michelangelo are strongly influenced by the canons of antiquity.